1) The No-Nonsense Guide to Climate Change
Author: Dinyar Godrej
Looks at the latest scientific findings, the politics of climate change and the options for working towards a low-carbon future.
‘The No-Nonsense Guide to Climate Change provides much needed information that helps us learn about climate change and promote genuine solutions to the problem.’ – Tom Goldtooth, Executive Director, Indigenous Environment Netwoork
'Godrej's excellent overview - one of a splendid series of pocketable New Internationalist guides to issue politics - makes rigorously clear how much hard evidence there is.' – The Guardian, London
'This comprehensive overview of climate change includes chapters on the effects of farming, human health, wildlife and forests. Great graphics.' – Miami Herald
'Climate change has, unfortunately, become an issue clouded by politics. Here, then, is a calm, measured voice, informed and informative, to stand against the loud lone voices trying to talk down this most pressing issue. The science is elucidated and unravelled from the politics, with evidence that nature and the weather is already telling us climate change is here and happening clearly presented. The book ends, as it must, with the chapter, "Lasting solutions to a global crisis". Small, short, sensible and useful.' – Amazon customer Review
'In short, this book will give you an overview of what has happened so far and some predictions for the future whilst keeping in mind that there are positive effects we can all have both as individuals and as nation states. The No-Nonsense series does what it says on the tin and won't baffle you with science or too much rhetoric.' – Amazon Customer Review
Each new scientific report on climate change makes increasingly alarming predictions about global warming. The threat is impossible to ignore. Or is it? Most governments have responded slowly, if at all, betraying an attitude of denial and a reluctance to instigate change.
This No-Nonsense Guide looks at the latest findings, explores the options and explains why carbon emissions trading and nuclear power are not the answer. It calls for determined measures to clean up our act, cut energy use, and improve energy efficiency.
About the Author: Dinyar Godrej has been co-editor at New Internationalist magazine since 2001. He has reported on numerous issues, including grass-roots activism, street children and human rights.
2) The No-Nonsense Guide to Animal Rights
Author: Catharine Grant
A history of the movement that shows why the promotion and protection of animal rights is more critical than ever.
‘The No-Nonsense Guide to Animal Rights traces the origins of the movement, explains the ways in which animals are used and abused, and ultimately shows why animal liberation is human liberation.’ – Ingrid E Newkirk, founder of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
Today animals need protecting more than ever. Some are bred for laboratories, for zoos or hunting. Others are reared intensively on farms. And those out in the wild are losing their habitats to logging and oil exploration.
This No-Nonsense Guide explains the key issues, charts the growth of the animal rights movement and looks at the welfare and protection laws. It also includes a practical day-to-day guide to what you can do to minimise exploitation.
About the Author: Catharine Grant is a writer, historian and activist based in Toronto. She has recently completed her doctoral dissertation on political rhetoric. She is also involved in various campaigns for animal rights and social and environmental justice.
3) VIDEO emplea imágenes de un comercial de la Coca Cola para poner en perspectiva las cifras del consumo de gaseosas y el derecho al agua de los pueblos: "Basado en un estudio realizado en el 2010 sobre la situación actual del mundo./ Por cada presidente que inventa una guerra.../ hay una refresquera que financia su campaña./ En Chiapas aun indígena le cortan el agua por adeudar 50 pesos.../ mientras Coca Cola explota los acuíferos sin restricciones./ Cada botella de Coca Cola.../ tardará 1.000 años en biodegradarse./ Un litro de agua embotellada.../ cuesta 180 veces más que un litro de agua del grifo./ Cuando México es orgulloso segundo lugar en consumo de refrescos.../ lo es también en obesidad./ Después de 25 años de explotar una reserva acuífera y secarla.../ una planta de Coca Cola se muda a otro lugar./ Una planta que gana 438 millones de pesos anuales.../ paga 320 mil pesos por los derechos de explotación del agua./ Cada familia indígena gasta 10 pesos semanales en leche.../ y 20 en refrescos./ Por cada litro de Coca Cola que se produce.../ se explotan 175 litros de agua./ Hay razones para creer en un mundo mejor.../ Pero no están aquí." Ver en Youtube El comercial de Coca Cola, a través de un ejercicio de sinceridad.